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A Breach of Trust

January 14, 2021

I had intended to publish a statement earlier but the ongoing onslaught of news reports kept taking over my attention and time. But, the votes for the unprecedented (who'd've thought we'd be using that word so much absent any exaggeration or hyperbole?), history-making second impeachment of Donald Trump are in. And, I can exhale.

On a Zoom gathering this morning with a group of business professionals, we were asked to introduce ourselves, our businesses, with a brief description of our greatest success and greatest challenge in the last 90 days. I forgot to include the challenge and the man who'd taken over leading our little break-out group asked me again. I replied that the toll of the events in Washington and state capitals were a "distraction" had largely taken over my life. I got the impression, right or wrong, from his expression and total lack of comment that it is likely he supports Trump.

A few hours later I had a call with a principal of a Canadian executive search firm who is a self-admitted "politics junkie." We found we are political kindred spirits and had a very spirited conversation for the full half-hour. I was very pleasantly surprised when he asked about Venntive and indicated they are actively searching for "a better way to work...together."tm

To say our country is polarized is an understatement.

In light of the incontrovertible evidence of guilt, it is unconscionable that only 10 GOP Representatives voted to impeach a man who is a "a clear and present danger" to our democratic Republic, to the rule of law, to world order. 197 voted not to impeach! I really don't care what their rationale might be.

My family's American history goes back to 1633 with the arrival of the Ark and Dove in Maryland. We settled in Kentucky before it joined the Union in 1792 via land grants for service of two brothers and a sister in the American Revolution. As a young adult I moved to New York, reveled in the beautiful diversity of the city, embraced identifying as a New Yorker. I tell you this to demonstrate my deep commitment to America and its ideals.

We cannot condone the violent actions of the myriad bad actors, including Donald Trump, who have betrayed our trust. Neither can we condone the continued support of these people in any way, shape or form. If you support Trump, we can only assume that you are like him....

To that end, Venntive will not provide a platform for communicating hate, sedition, authoritarianism, nationalism. If you disagree, we invite you to try to find another service.


We pledge to never betray our ideals or your trust.